What Is Meant By Mind Over Matter?

What Is Meant By Mind Over Matter?

You must have heard your parents using the phrase ‘mind over matter’ during some childhood toothache or stomachache that you had. In that case your mother was perhaps trying to lessen your pain by asking you to focus away from it. Nevertheless, be it concentrating to bear with pain or actual paranormal activities such as moving matter with the power of your mind, human mind power is known to be one of the most vital of forces that can achieve any miracle.
Psychokinesis can be termed as one psychic extreme of such mind over matter phenomenon. In simple terms it refers to the psychic ability of a person to move physical objects with the power of his/her thoughts. Suppose you are hungry and your mind had the power to make the bread fly out from the refrigerator and into your hands? Sounds too good isn’t it?
Previously the phenomenon was known as Telekinesis when such movements of objects were thought to be the work of spirits or departed souls. But during the 19th century a lot of research upon this subject was undertaken and later on when the involvement of the human mind was predicted about, the new term of psychokinesis was coined.
The measurement of such mind over matter phenomenon can be of two types, the micro-psychokinesis and the macro-psychokinesis. While the former refers to very small changes or movement in matter only observable through scientific instruments, the latter involves larger movement that is perceptible through the naked eyes.
Apart from this extreme paranormal aspect to the phrase ‘mind over matter’, it is also extensively used in a highly mind-centric interpretation in the fields of spirituality or philosophy. This can be corroborated by the significance it has in responsibility assumption.
An important aspect in the personal growth studies, responsibility assumption basically refers to taking responsibility for your own life and your own future. That is, it proposes that what comes off your own life or what you achieve is solely the function of your mind and its thoughts. Apart from this, concepts like the law of attraction or affirmations are also part of the new age spirituality that focuses around the concept of mind over matter.
The Law of attraction states that if you focus your entire energy into a goal that you desire to meet and have full faith that you will definitely do so in the near future, then the energy from your subconscious mind will connect with that of the universe and lead to your goal being manifested in reality. Constant positive affirmations to your mind like ‘I will become successful’ will result in your subconscious to actually believing it as true and thereby forcing it to happen.
Thus it can be concluded that be it physical matter or be it an intangible matter, your mind has the power to influence all. Thus, with the power of positive thinking, concentration, energy, and affirmations one can achieve the highest forms of ‘mind over matter’ phenomenon and thereby live life in his own terms.